Things are about to get STEAMY in here!

Hello Steam Community. Hello and Welcome to Moonbase 332. Moonbase 332 is now on Steam Greenlight. Moonbase 332 is an Arcade First Person Shooter by PatchNoteStudio. You play an old American exterminator. After a War between Germany and Austria in...
Moonbase 332 gets a new release date

Moonbase 332 gets a new release date

In less than a week, the game Moonbase 332 should be published. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible. Moonbase 332 gets a new release date. We can not keep the 25 April. The entire game will be fully released in May. Our current plan is as follows: The game will...

Moonbase 332 officially announced

Moonbase 332 is a first-person shooter by PatchNoteStudio. Our goal is to create a simple and fun game. For us, it is therefore important to create a fast and smooth gameplay without a thrilling story. In the game, experience points will play an important role. By...

Here comes our next game! #mb332

We are ready to announce our new game. When the countdown ends on this website, we will open our website for all visitors. There, the first information and pictures will be shown from our new game. loans az